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Final_REDS Oral Pictorial History_Honoring Staples.mp4


A video featuring many of NCFR's earliest leaders (approximately 17 minutes).

Produced in 1983 and narrated by then NCFR president James Walters, this hour long vignette examines the history of the National Council on Family Relations through stories of the people within the organization.

Historical overview of the National Council on Family Relations presented at the 75th annual NCFR Conference, November 8, 2013 in San Antonio, Texas.
We would encourage a more collaborative and co-created approach among feminist researches, practitioners, and those whose lives we seek to enhance.
We propose the concept of (more visible)feminist accountabilityas a way to work with and against, and to embrace, feelings of feminist fraudulence. To illustrate feeling like a feminist fraud and feminist accountability, and to explore how they areā€¦
As feminist family scholars, we need to continue to pursue social justice.
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